This is a PREVENTATIVE and PROGRESSIVE teeth cleaning system to maintain your dog's dental health.
The Cleanyteeth system is now showing great results.
Pic Above is a dog who regularly has teeth cleaning.
Pic opposite is a dog that has no teeth cleaning.
The treatment is offered on a regular basis which ranges from 4, 6 sometimes 12 weekly.
Prevention is key! If you leave your dog’s mouth full of bacteria it can affect their internal organs. It’s also painful for them.
It’s not guaranteed that with regular teeth cleaning your dog will not require dental treatment at some point and regular checks at the vet are essential. It’s what is going on inside the teeth we cannot see.
Cleanyteeth does break down all the plaque and tartar and prevents bad breath. The dogs adapt so well to it, some even see it as a treat having a good chew and tasting toothpaste.
All clients get advice and tips on how you can help at home so together we can maximise this treatment.
We are listed on the website of Qualified Professional Dog Groomers: